Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you so much for being here! 🤗 I kindly ask that you please read this page before contacting me. I do all of my own scheduling, so my response time can be rather slow for some. Your question is probably answered here or somewhere on the website. Grab a drink and stay a while, click around ☕😊
Click on Your Question:
1.Where are you located?
I'm in Citrus Heights California. I recommend booking out as far in advance as possible, as I get booked up quickly. Click here to book an appointment.
2. I don't live near you. Is there anyone near me who offers your method?
Click here to see the list of stylists trained by me. Feel free to check back as often as you'd like to see if any stylists in your area receive training!
3. What does a hair extension installation service include?
The service includes the installation of hair you bring in, a specialized cut for blending, and styling. I can also provide the hair for you at an extra cost, but I require that clients sign a waiver for hair that I provide, agreeing that I'm not responsible for the quality or longevity of the hair since I can't guarantee another company's hair. 🙂
4. Where do I buy hair?:
If it's your first time shopping for hair, I recommend going to a store in-person so they can color match your hair. You can also refer to my "Buying Hair" page to find out what type of hair to ask for, and my favorite hair shops.
5. Can I come in and feel the different types of hair?:
I prefer that new clients bring in their own hair for installation; But when I provide the hair for clients, I pick up the hair on a per-client basis rather than keeping hair at the salon. The great thing about bringing your own hair is that you can choose brands that offer a guarantee, you have more control over how much you spend (you'll save money by providing your own hair), and you can go straight to the source if the quality isn't what you expected. I made a list of my favorite hair extension stores here.
6. Do you have any tips on how to help my natural hair grow?:
Yes! While extensions are super fun and awesome, I understand that the main goal is to get our natural hair to grow also! You can refer to my "Natural Hair Growth Tips" page for some different options,
7. Why are you no longer offering Tape-ins?:
I just can't offer a method that I don't believe in and wouldn't wear myself. Tape-ins are stressful on the hair, they get gunky, and I just wouldn't wear them personally. I also stopped offering braided sew-ins for similar reasons. I will be offering Ziploxx hair extensions soon! Ziploxx are a great/safer alternative to Tape-Ins. Check out Ziploxx by clicking here.
8. How much is it to get my extensions done if I bring my own hair?:
Look under the Prices/Methods menu for pricing information. If you're on a cell phone, you can find the menu by clicking the 3 lines in the upper left corner.
9. Do you accept walk-ins or is it reservation only?
I'm available by reservation only. If you'd like to book an appointment, click here.
10. Is a deposit required before my hair extension reservation?
For all hair extension reservations, a non-refundable half price down payment is required to ensure your spot. Until the deposit is paid. someone else may take your appointment slot.
11. How long does my natural hair have to be before I can get extensions?:
Preferably 5 inches, but I've done extensions on 3 inch long hair. As long there is some length on top of your head to make it blend right, it’ll work. If your hair is really short on the top, we can combine the Topper method with the NSBW or IMB method.
12. How long do extensions last?:
It depends on the hair quality you get. The method tends to outlast the hair. For example, clients who get highest quality hair have kept their NSBW extensions in for 1.5 years. Client's who get temporary quality hair can expect them to last only 2-4 months. Here is the average lasting length I've seen in my experience:
Non Sewn Beaded Weft (NSBW): 3-6 months
Toppers: 1-3 months
Individual Keratin Shrink Links (IKSL):3-6 months
Individual Micro-Beads (IMB): 3-4 months
13. How often do I have to come in for a tightening?:
Non Sewn Beaded Weft (NSBW): Every 4-8 weeks
Individual Micro-Beads (IMB): Every 8 weeks
Individual Keratin Shrink Links (IKSL): Can't be tightened. Must be removed and reinstalled every 3-6 months
Toppers: I recommend a 2 months on, 1 month off routine. See the toppers page for more info.
14. I have multiple colors in my hair, how does that work?
For those with highlights: Many extensions come pre-highlighted. If your particular color isn't available in pre-highlighted hair, you can get a half pack of one color, and a half pack of another. Then I'll combine the extensions to make them look highlighted.
For those with an Ombre/Balayage: (darker at the top, lighter at the bottom) there are some companies that offer ombre'd extensions, like The Hair Shop. The colors are shown below.

15. What is the difference between high qualities of hair and the other qualities?
For a more in-depth answer click here. The high quality hair has been specially chosen by distributors as top of the line hair. It will last longer, it stays smoother, and it's easier to manage.
16. What is Remy hair?
Remy hair is just a fancy word for High Quality hair. It means that all of the hairs are facing in a downward direction the way the hair naturally grows off of the head. Some lower qualities have upside down hairs that will result in your hair becoming tangled faster.
17. What is Keratin?
Keratin is a protein that your hair is made out of. In extension terms, it's a protein glue used in fusion individual extensions specially formulated to do the least damage possible to the hair.
18. What are Fusion Extensions?
Fusion extensions are another name for individual keratin extensions because the keratin bonds get fused to your natural hair. Many stylists create fancy names for the same thing. For example "Natural beaded row", or "hand tied extensions" are just different variations of the Beaded Sew-In method.
19. How do I wash my hair with extensions?:
Click here for a more in-depth answer. Wash the hair in a downward motion to reduce tangling the hair. Do not bunch up the hair and lather. Be gentle when getting close to the scalp. Also, do not get too much conditioner near the scalp since the oils in conditioner can loosen the extension glue or beads.
If your extensions are glued in, blow dry the roots after showering to ensure that the glue dries, but use a low heat level. High heat levels can cause the glue to melt.
With beaded extensions, you don't have to worry about any of that because they do not involve glue.
20. What extensions are your favorite to wear?:
My favorite are the non-sewn beaded weft extensions. They are easier on the hair, they don't involve braids, sewing, or glue, and they're very easy to tighten. They're less hassle and less worry. I've also noticed they stay tighter than the beaded sew-ins. I can pull on them and be rough with them but they will not come out!
21. Do they hurt?:
It depends on your scalp sensitivity. If you have a sensitive scalp, they might hurt for the first few days. Generally, extensions do not hurt as long as they are installed correctly by an extension specialist. I’ve been specializing in extensions for 15 years. You’re in good hands! It's more common to hear of them itching rather than hurting. Castor Oil can help with scalp itchiness.
22. I have Asian hair, what extensions are best for me?:
I would recommend doing Non-Sewn Beaded Wefts or Clip-in Wefts. Some Asian hair is slightly more oily and slick than other types of hair, so the glue methods will fall out easier. Non-Sewn Beaded Wefts don't require glue or unreliable thread, a great option for Asian hair.
23. How much hair will be added to my head?
This depends on the look you're going for.
If you're getting weft type extensions: a full head is considered three tracks (3-3.5 ounces). Although you'll only feel three tracks, I actually double each track with two wefts of hair, so you actually have six tracks. (To learn what tracks/wefts are, check out the Buying Hair page.) If you have thicker hair, it is recommended you get 4 or more tracks (3.5-4.5 ounces).
If you're getting individual type extensions: a full head is considered 125-150 individual strands. (To learn what individual strands are, check out the Buying Hair page.) If you have thicker hair, it is recommended you get 150-200 strands or more.
24. How long will the appointment take when installing extensions?:
Non-Sewn Beaded Wefts (NSBW): 1.5-2 hours
Individual Keratin Shrink Links (IKSL): 3-5 hours
Individual Micro-beads (IMB): 3-5 hours
Toppers: 2.5-3 hours
25. What is your refund policy?:
I do not offer refunds or exchanges.
26. Will my hair continue to grow if I get hair extensions?
Yes. Because your hair will continue to grow, it's important to attend regular maintenance reservations in order to protect your hair. It’s just like getting a fill on your nails. Click here to learn more about tightening your hair extensions,
27. Can I still have my roots colored while wearing hair extensions?
Yes. Your color specialist simply needs to work around the joins of the extensions, taking care not to color over the bonds of the extensions. I currently specialize in hair extensions, so I do not offer coloring services anymore.
28. Can I color the hair extensions?
I advise you to stay away from dying your hair extensions because they might become damaged. I've definitely colored higher quality hair extensions with good results, however, coloring will cut down the longevity of the extensions and possibly even damage them. Some of the hair is also pre-dyed and therefore you cannot guarantee the outcome of the color. Also because hair extensions are more dense than natural hair, coloring over them can turn out looking patchy in some cases. If you do have the extensions colored, just make sure the stylist is experienced with coloring hair extensions.
29. Is it okay to go to the gym or sweat a lot with hair extensions?
Yes. As long as you maintain your extensions correctly and come in regularly for tightening reservations, this should be absolutely fine.
30. Can I go swimming while wearing hair extensions?
Yes, but it is not recommended. Ideally, you should braid your hair in two braids while swimming and/or avoid getting your hair wet where possible, Click here for more maintenance tips on swimming with extensions.
31. Will the hair extensions shed?
Hair extensions will shed more as time passes, which is completely normal. Usually, the first signs of shedding are indications that you'll need new hair in the next couple of months. Client's typically start to notice shedding at 4 months depending on the type of hair.
32. What if I lose an extension strand or bead?
Don't panic if you happen to lose an individual hair extension. Some clients lose more hair extensions than others depending on their natural hair type. Hold on to any extensions that fall out, and bring them to your maintenance reservations so that they can be reapplied for you. If you lose a bead, bobby pin the area where the bead came off until you can get in to fix it.
33. I've heard extensions will break my hair off:
A lot of people have a misconception about this question because of the fact that you do see hair coming off when we remove or tighten the extensions. The hair coming off is hair that you naturally shed and was stuck in the bead, braid, or glue that the extensions were applied with. You naturally shed 50-150 strands of hair a day, that hair has nowhere to go when there are extensions applied over it. This is why regular tightenings are so important, as they involve removing knots and tangles caused by natural hair shedding.